Sunday, March 26, 2017

Capstone Exercise: Life Change Paper

Hey all! Welcome back to my blog!

     I've got a lengthy but encouraging piece for you today. . .
     A few weeks ago I received my final grade back from the pastor who taught my Gospel of Matthew class. He encouraged me to share my paper with others, so that's what I'm doing today!
     Warning, it is an 8 paged paper so it is long in length. However, I am proud of it and it earned me a 294/300 so I was happy with the work I put into it and am excited to share this life change paper with everyone!



       Similar to famous people who are remembered for their acts, so a famous sermon is remembered for the important truth spoken. In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus spends three chapters teaching his disciples and the people in the crowd important life-changing lessons. Appropriately defined, a disciple is “a person who follows a leader; a student; one of the 12 men whom Jesus chose; a person who obeys Jesus today” (Dray. 2004. NP.) These 12 men followed Jesus just about everywhere he went, so it was fitting that they were present at this particular time. This event in scripture is referred to as the Sermon on the Mount and is located within the fifth and seventh chapters in the gospel of Matthew. As far as important teachings of Jesus go, and explaining how Christians are to live, the Sermon on the Mount is one of the more famous sermons taught in scripture.
            Traveling through Galilee, Jesus taught all the people and healed all the illnesses he came into contact with among the synagogues. News spread like crazy throughout Syria and Matthew 4:24 explains that everyone who had a disease, those suffering from pain, the lame and possessed, all came to him to experience his miraculous healing. After this occurred, the Decapolis, Judea, Jerusalem, and the region across the Jordan took haste to stay close to Jesus. Prepared to teach, Jesus made his way up to a mountainside to sit down with the crowds and his disciples. This was where the Sermon on the Mount took place.
            Within Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus discusses terms still often used in today’s church culture. “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot” (13.) What could this verse possibly be implying? Anyone who possesses a basic amount of knowledge of cooking understands the importance of salt within a meal or dish. Even the most delicate pinch of salt can make a world of difference within a massive bowl of soup; the same is true about Christians within the world today.
            God calls His children to stand out and be different in the world. Just as the salt adds taste to a tasteless soup the follower of Christ should stand out in a world of unbelievers and be a witness to those around them. As stated in 2 Corinthians 6:17a, “Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them,” Christians are to lead a life apart from the unbelievers. When Christians choose to lead a life separate from what others have chosen, their choices reflect who they serve and where their heart is. When people notice someone living differently than everyone else they feel inclined to question their intentions to satisfy their curiosity. Living differently blesses a follower of Christ with an opportunity to share the benefits that come from living a life that honors and pleases their Heavenly Father as well as the knowledge that they are pleasing Him with their intentions.
            Flowing from one passage to another, Jesus then proceeds to expand on his teaching with a new analogy. Matthew 5:14 reads “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” Christians are the light of the world. That statement clearly exploits a definition of a Christian. When all else is wrong in the world the Christians are to shine the goodness and hope that only comes through faith in Jesus Christ. In the case that nothing else is left in the world that is valuable or positive, Christians will stand out with the truth of God’s Word and point the lost in the direction of the satisfying and precious presence of the Lord.
             “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16.) People will not be greatly impacted by the goodness of God through someone who claims to be a Christian but never overflows with the love God shows His children. For the hearts of Christians to overflow with the power and love of Christ, their hearts must first be filled up with Him. According to Matthew 15:8, “these people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” True Christian love is not something people have to remember to show; when God is truly at the center of their hearts their lives naturally show Christ. These Christians are the salt and light of the earth.
            Studying this passage allowed me to gain insight and realize my life is not perfect and there are many areas where I have faltered in my relationship with God. As I continue to grow in my faith I understand the desperate need to have my actions reflecting who I serve in my life. While I currently attend a community college with little to no discussion of faith or religion, I have realized I am placed there to be a light for God and His Kingdom. I had no clue where to begin with this change, or what to do to incorporate new changes in my life, but this study in Matthew has opened my eyes to a new reality of truly being the salt and light of the earth.
            Over the past few weeks I have taken on applying the teaching of salt and light to my own personal walk with Christ. One of the greatest rewards in allowing Christ to be the center of your life is when you begin to see the impact it makes on those around you. When Jesus presented the Sermon on the Mount he did not present the teaching to specific Christians that wanted to do God’s will. Jesus was speaking to all those who claimed to follow him. I began to realize that I can choose whether or not to truly live my life for Christ, but why would I ever turn down an opportunity to serve God? My creator, the One who holds the universe in His hands, has chosen me to be His hands and feet. He looked at my life before it was existent and instantly knew that I was going to be a part of fulfilling His greater plan.
            Throughout the process of changing my life to reflect Christ I began to look at different areas where I needed an inward change. One of the areas I examined was the words that left my mouth; were they uplifting and useful, or were they negative and wrong? Scripture is very clear that the words that leave our lips reflect where our heart is. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (Proverbs 4:23.) I decided that in order to be a light with the words that I say (or do not say) to people, I needed to be cautious of the choices in movies and music that I present myself with.
            After I had begun this journey of cutting negative and crude words out of my vocabulary, I found my conversations with people to be much more relaxed and care-free. I no longer had to filter out certain choice words depending on the age group I was in close proximity with. Rewardingly, people notice when I chose not to participate in conversations involving gossip, cussing, or hurtful themes. God often rewards me in the most unexpected ways such as a feeling of peace inside my body right after someone may criticize me for not using certain choice words.
            Another major area of my life where I noticed a change needing to take place was my confidence in who I was. I struggle with identity issues as much as anyone else, yet I discovered the difficulty behind presenting the gospel to friends or coworkers when you are not confident in who you are in Christ. True confidence lies behind assurance of who I am and who I was created to be. 2 Timothy 1:7 states, “For God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Thinking back on the ministry Jesus lived out during his time on earth I began to realize how different his delivery of the gospel would have been had Jesus not been confident in what his purpose was on earth and who His Father was. After examining how different areas of Jesus’ ministry would have looked incredibly different without his confidence in the Lord, (i.e. him walking on water in Matthew 14:25, and his willingness to die on the cross as my substitute in Matthew 27:50,) I came to the conclusion that having confidence in God would change my life. Once I realized how different Jesus’ life would have been if he was not secure in who he was, I began to challenge myself to find my confidence and reassurance in Christ.
             While this is still a challenge I am in the process of changing, I have already discovered the strength I find to face people who would generally disagree with my beliefs. Having the courage to approach a coworker about attending church with me was a new step I had never taken before, but because I understood my purpose on earth, I felt confident regardless of their answer. After my coworker agreed to attend church with me, my confidence continued to increase. Still today I find myself being challenged and I continue to focus on why I am here and who I am ultimately on earth to please.

            Time and time again I have been challenged in my faith. Whether it be tossing out old habits to better my spiritual walk, incorporating new ideals to increase my knowledge, or being able to live my faith on the outside as well as the inside, throughout the past few weeks I have felt God doing a work in me to be a stronger Christian. I have begun living the salt and light life Jesus referenced in the gospel of Matthew. Changing areas of my life that I have set in stone was a challenge, and it still is. Although, one of the most challenging portions of this journey was admitting to myself the need for change and the areas I needed to experience the most change in. Administering these changes into my spiritual life have been rewarding in every way. I have gained a clearer insight into the life I am called to lead as a follower of Christ, and I have additionally learned the importance of repentance from not doing God’s will and coming back to Him with metanoia (the Greek word for “a change of mind.”) As a follower of Christ there is never a point where I will learn everything or be able to stop growing spiritually. Thankfully, the Sermon on the Mount is only one area of teaching in the Bible to learn and grow from. I will always remember how rewarding it is to sacrifice unnecessary areas of my life when I examine where I was in my spiritual walk a few months ago. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the change.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Challenge Accepted!

Hey all! Welcome back to my blog!

     This morning in my devotions I was reading in 1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter,) and I was reminded of the experiment I did in Sunday School when I was younger. Replacing "love" with my name. . . So it'd read something like "Sarah is patient. Sarah is kind." and so on.
     I keep seeing passages from this chapter everywhere, so I decided to implement that experiment to a real life challenge.
     I'm going to write the few verses from 1 Corinthians 13 on a piece of paper and place it where I'll see it regularly. My main goal in this challenge is to tackle certain parts of my life and swap out not-so-great attributes with the attributes Jesus displayed here on earth.
     Every week I'm going to do my best to place one of the qualities in the passage and implement it into my daily routine with how I treat others, how I treat myself, and how I treat my relationship with God.
    For example, one week I'll work specifically on being patient, and another week on being slow to anger.
     I believe we as Christians can never stop growing and maturing in our faith. I also believe that we should never stay quiet or still for very long. I've begun to grow comfortable in my faith and daily life, which means I need to get out there and make myself uncomfortable.
     Allow me to explain what I mean about comfortable:
     When I have grown comfortable it means I'm most likely not putting myself out in the open to witness, reach people, or live like Jesus did. When you're uncomfortable in your faith it is a good thing. Spiritual growth often stretches us and challenges us to dive deeper into our relationship with God.
     I've never done anything like this, and I encourage you to try it too or something similar! Not only will you life be blessed, the people around you will be blessed when they see the transformation taking place in your life!
     If you decided to accept this challenge I'd love to hear about it! I'll do my best to update every week on how it's going and write about my experiences.
     One other thing I feel I should mention (because some people- myself included- may try to cheat the system) is that every week you add on another trait to your life from the passage on top of the traits you've already taken on. You do not work on patience one week, watch it go to the toilet, and then give up and work on anger issues! You add one thing on top of the other to eventually have gained multiple new qualities of Jesus!
     When you feel you can read those verses in 1 Corinthians 13  with your name replacing "love", without feeling like a total liar, you're making more progress!
     I hope this challenge affects my life. When we put ourselves out there to grow in our faith, good things always can come from that. Granted it will be difficult at times, but don't let the devil win. He wants to see you give up on trying to show God's love to others more than anyone. Don't give him the benefit of the doubt; make him tremble in his own skin!
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved."
     -Acts 4:12 NIV


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

I'm Moving!!!

Hey all! Welcome back to my blog!

     As those of you who read my blog regularly you will know I just had my college visit to Ozark Christian College in Missouri. Well, I'm pleased to say that the tour was amazing and God has shown me where I will be moving in the fall!
     His timing was perfect in this 100%. Last year at this time I was wasting away in a major depressive state, and I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, let along if I even wanted to live. . .
     There were points when I'd try to talk myself into just picking Central College or North Western and I'd adjust after school started. I'm so thankful that I decided to take the year off to work and just take a few classes from DMACC. Honestly, staying back a year was never a conscious choice that I made; it kind of just happened and I felt at peace about it. God knew I'd be well taken care of here at home. 2 of my longest best friends were staying back for a year, and we all made a new friend a few months ago when he moved to town.
     Throughout the months I spent here at home one of my best friends began to mess with me about how I should go to the school he was going to attend. . . God must've had a sense of humor because I ended up applying to that same school! Now I'm in love with the campus and everything it has to offer. . .
     Had I gone off to school with everyone else I'd be studying the wrong majors, living in the wrong place, and most likely worse off than I was at this time last year. I'm so thankful for a God who works things out for HIS good as well as mine, even when I don't see it coming together at the time.
     This year I am confident and ready to begin my journey towards a Christian Counseling degree. I may not know how far down this path of studying God is going to take me, but I do know that this path is one that God is guiding me down to do His will.
     One thing I'm mesmerized by is how everything I went through last year shaped me into the person I am today, yet I never saw how it was all coming together to totally change my life. Similar to the saying "a watched pot never boils" so you don't completely see what God is doing in your life until you take a step back and trust God to fulfill His plan for your life.
     If I were to give one piece of advice during difficult times, it'd be so stop trying so hard to understand and make sense of things and just step back and let God work His plan.
     When we were driving up to campus the 6 hour drive seemed to take forever, especially since I had never been there before and didn't know where anything was. Once we arrived at the hotel we took off pretty quickly to see the campus the night before the tour.
     Mom said it was larger than what she figured but it was smaller than what I thought. Something that was super amazing about this school is the fact they want to model a life their students can take after. Because of this they keep their campus debt-dree and make sure everything is paid off. This makes tuition much cheaper and the books and supplies can be sold at a reduced price also.
     I did end up enjoying my tour. I went into it with a positive attitude and the day seemed to fly by! We started out by going to a class of our choice to sit in and observe. I actually ended up choosing (by accident) a class that someone I knew was in! So that started my day off well. I chose "Foundations for Christian Mission" and it was an amazing class. The professor was so kind and the size of the class was small enough that every professor would end up knowing my name.
     After class we all went and sat together for chapel. It. Was. Amazing. I've never felt so at home and loved a new church setting so much! Every student poured out their hearts in worship to our King and the message was powerful and intriguing. Nothing that was said about faith could be argued with. Everything the pastors, speakers, and professors said lined up with my beliefs. The music was absolutely beautiful and you could tell the Spirit was in the songs. Big songs. Big worship. Big smiles on my face.
     Everyone you ran into was so kind and friendly, and when we finished up with our lunch they insisted that we leave our things there and they would clean up for us.
    When we took our tour they were willing to slow down for us, answer every single question we had, and they enjoyed having a good time with all of us.
     It shouldn't even take me 10 minutes to walk across campus, everything is so easy to find and the dorms are a good size. One thing I dislike is the dorm bathrooms, but then again, I'm sure I can adjust.
     Chapel is every Tuesday at 10 am. Our tour guide told us it's mandatory with 4 skips per semester, but chapel is her absolute favorite part of the week.
     Every Thursday they break off into mentoring groups. Either it's an upperclassman with 3 or so freshman, or it's a group of upperclassman who either just take time off to have fun or to take time to have those serious discussions people need to have from time to time. Classes are cancelled during that time so the students can really invest in the time they have together.
     On top of classes being cancelled during the groups, there is never any classes on Mondays either. Long weekends happen every week! They do this because many of the students have internships that can be up to 2 hours away on Sundays, and since the weekends are the time to study they lose most of their study time. Because of this, Mondays are an extended weekend day. One downside to this is classes begin at 7 am during the rest of the week (if you choose to take a 7 am class.) Our tour guide enjoys taking these early classes so she can be done for the day around lunch time! Wouldn't that be amazing?!
         Everything was absolutely amazing, aside from the snowy weather. Fun Fact: the students were shocked it was snowing! I'd love that. . .
     Overall, I am excited to begin my new life at Ozark. One of the only things I'm not looking forward to is the 6 hour drive, but I'm sure it'll be easier the more and more I drive it. I'll also only be coming home every few months.
     I'll post more updates as they come, and I wasn't able to take many pictures so I can't post any here.
     Once I move I'll be sure to share them with you all!

     "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
-Psalm 73:26 NIV 


Monday, March 13, 2017

I Forgot My Camera. . .

Hey all! Welcome back to my blog!

     I'm coming at you this evening from a brand new location. . . My new home starting in the fall! I've decided to leave my home state of Iowa and venture South to Missouri. Tonight we drove around the town, drove through campus, and enjoyed some classic BBQ food from a rustic restaurant! Overall, great first impression of the town!
     I'm leaving a home of 10,000 people and moving to a city with over 50,000 people, as well as hundreds of stores and restaurants. The driving is insane compared to my town, too! I am excited for the change in scenery and lifestyle, but I'm also nervous for such an instant change come move-in day.
     Tomorrow morning at 8:00 am I will be checking into the college to begin my Tuesday Tour. My ideal tour would've been private and just a few hours, but in order to be eligible for a nice-sized scholarship I'm attending what Ozark calls a Tuesday Tour. This involves taking a tour of campus, having lunch with the president, meeting with financial aid and scholarship officials, and an optional choice was to stay in the dorms overnight. I chickened out (not really) and wanted to stay in a nearby hotel so that my parents and I could be in the same space. Had I decided to stay in the dorms my parents would've had to stay at a hotel themselves. Since I'm very new to the area and don't exactly know anyone at this school I wanted to stay with my parents. In my defense, my parents know nothing about the area, either. . .
     I was all excited and ready to leave this morning, but in the excited nerves that began to arise as we packed up the van I forgot my camera to document my trip and add some much-needed photography to this blog. Oh, well. . . Next time I'm in the area I'll be sure to bring my camera! Hopefully the grass will be greener and the trees and flowers will be in bloom, too.
     In all honesty, before we left this morning I was absolutely freaked out to go on this trip. I was worried about so many different things I almost didn't want to come anymore. . .
     I've been so sure about Ozark for the longest time, but once the day finally arrived I was overcome with fear. I don't know if it was Satan trying to steer me away from enjoying my trip, guide me away from what God has planned, or if it was my reaction to following where God has been guiding me.
     I've found that when I know God is leading me to go somewhere/do something I'm willing at first, but as soon as I'm starting out something inside me wants to turn back out of fear.
     The more I think about it, it'd make sense that all that fear and sudden unsureness of moving to Missouri would've been Satan trying to steer me away from God's plan. So much has worked out for me to attend this school, and one of my best friends will be moving here in the fall, also! It wouldn't make sense that God would tell me to stay in Iowa or go somewhere else with such a minor feeling of stress and anxiety, especially after making it so clear that this school was a good match for me.
     After struggling with major depression and anxiety for the past 2 years, I'm very willing to do anything to avoid those feelings. When I began to feel that way a few days ago without knowing what it meant I began to panic inside. Was this God trying to tell me to trust Him despite Satan trying to mess with my head? That's what I've chosen to believe. . . If God was trying to tell me to change my plans I believe He would make it very well known and not mess with my head to the point of constant anxiety and inability to concentrate.
     I'll do my best to take pictures with my phone's "eh" camera tomorrow to post some pictures, including the traditional photo in front of the college sign!
     For the next few hours I'm going to enjoy sitting on my hide-a-bed in the hotel room and spend some time relaxing before my busy day tomorrow.
     Prayers would be appreciated that the weather stays nice and everyone involved within the tour is nice and all the prospective students get along and enjoy themselves.
     I'm just not looking forward to the 6 hour drive home tomorrow night. . . It'll all be worth it in the end!

     "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."
-Ephesians 6:10 NIV


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Another Year In the Books

Hey all! Welcome back!

     Well, I'm 19 years old now! It feels so strange. I'm almost out of my teen years and I still feel like a little kid. Is adulting something you feel or something you just have to adjust to, because I think I'll always be a little kid at heart!
     This morning I woke up at my grandma's new house she just moved into, and I felt well rested looking out the window at the quiet street. Having lived in the heart of the country my whole life it was fun to wake up in town for a first.
     Even though it's my birthday I have plenty of homework to finish yet. My Bible class is coming to a close this week and I have a good-length paper to write by Sunday evening. Thankfully, I had over 5 topics to choose from for my final. I chose the topic of life change: choosing a teaching from Jesus included in the gospel of Matthew, applying it to my life, and then writing about how the change affected my life. I'm 2 whole sentences into this paper, guys! Ha. . . 4 3/4 pages to go!
     After this class finishes this week I've got a new Bible class on developing spiritual disciplines starting up after Spring Break. I'm excited to dive into a whole new Bible class and see what God is going to teach me through the material.
     In other news I have been officially accepted into my school of choice for this fall! In 5 short months I will be moving to Missouri. . . I'm feeling a mix of nervous and excited emotions at the same time. I'm growing up, moving out, and beginning my new life as an adult taking those steps towards my dream career. Yet, I'm leaving the only place I've ever lived and saying goodbye to everything I've ever known.
     I will be taking a visit to see the school next week over Spring Break, and I'm excited to finally see first-hand where I'll be spending the next few years of my life.
     As far as music goes, a friend and I have a pretty awesome project that we're planning to release before I move, and I couldn't be more excited.
     One of the most difficult parts of moving into a dorm for me will be having to leave some of my instruments at home and not being able to play them in my spare time. Whenever I have down time or need a break from school I sit down to write or play for 10-30 minutes. I can handle the major down-sizing of the living space and storage, but not having my keyboard or cajon (a box-like drum you sit on) all displayed to sit down and play whenever I feel like it will be an adjustment. Thankfully guitars store in small spaces!
     Now that I'm beginning another year I've been working on ideas for ways to maximize my time, organize my life, and make the most of the days I've been given.
     I've been involved with multiple women's conferences, and different ministry events. It's been amazing. I absolutely love being involved with all this!
     Just last Saturday I was able to attend the ladies retreat at my church and I was also blessed with the opportunity to lead worship for the ladies there. It couldn't have gone any better- after leading worship at this event I was reminded about why I love leading worship so much. I had been struggling with playing with groups or other people recently, and after this I had been reminded of my love for music and the ultimate reason I lead. I lead worship to see the church pouring out their praise and worship to the Father and King. I saw that at the ladies retreat.
     While we're on the topic of being reminded of our passions. . . I had been having a difficult time keeping up with blog posts and sharing all the things I do on social media because I had this feeling that I was being annoying and clogging up people's feed. Well yesterday I received a message from one of my friends at work. He wanted to tell me that the article I had just shared on Facebook was exactly what he needed. I needed that message from him. I had started this blog and my youtube channel etc. because I felt like this was something God called me to do; yesterday I was reminded that this is still something He is calling me to do.
     A few weeks ago I wrote about a young girl from work that I invited to church with me. She did end up coming with me 3 weeks ago and she really enjoyed it! I was so glad that I was able to bring her with me and watch her run into people she knew from school. I do ask for prayers as I don't see her as often now because I've finished training her. I am hoping to invite her back in the future weeks- I didn't want to overwhelm her and make her feel like I was going to make her come back every week.
     To make the most of my day today I'm going to skip my speech class and spend time with my Grandma, eat a pizza, watch a movie, and work on my paper until my Bible class tonight. Sounds like a good day to me!
     Have a great day, everyone!

     "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."
-Numbers 6:24-26


Faith over Fear

Hey all! Welcome back to my blog. It's been a few months, but I've had multiple people encourage me to write a blog post about wha...