Welcome back to my little world!
I just finished taking my final exam for college... First semester is DONE! It feels so good. I feel good. At the beginning of this semester I felt a little overwhelmed and worried that I'd have to work so hard to keep up with all these other students, but really I fit right in! I've made good friends and while I'm excited to break, I'm also excited to begin next semester. Growing up I always had year-long classes so this whole semester-long class deal seems pretty fantastic to me.
With everyone starting or finishing their finals, I thought I would share my thoughts on everything.
As a first semester college student, this whole deal has been quite the experience. While I may not have had entire class exams, (only normal chapter exams,) I feel like there were many times I truly had to let go and let God.
I love this phrase. A few months ago when I was in counseling, my therapist suggested trying something called "Breathing Prayer." It was supposed to be like a form of meditation, and that turned me off at first because I was never able to relax enough to truly meditate. Same with the breathing exercises where you breathe in for 3 counts, hold for 5, and exhale for 3. I hated that. I felt like I was suffocating or dying. (Ya, ya. Laugh all you want! I thought it was supposed to relax us?!)
Anyways, after my therapist explained to me what "Breathing Prayer" was, I was game to try it, but I also didn't have much faith that it would do anything for me. "Breathing Prayer" is when you take a phrase, (she suggested a phrase with 2 different parts. For example: I chose the phrase "let go and let God." The whole point of this exercise was to close your eyes (if you were able) and simply think quietly to yourself the phrase you had chosen. For my phrase I would repeat the words "let go" slowly when I breathed in, and repeat the words "let God" as I exhaled. I would repeat this for however long it took to decrease my heart rate and relax. Anytime I felt anxious or began to feel a panic attack of any kind coming on I would practice my prayer. . . It surprisingly worked for me too! I have not done this for a long time, but lately certain things have begun to bother me: people returning from college who I have a difficult time being around, or having to face people who have hurt me excruciatingly for example. I may find myself praying my "Breathing Prayer" again over this break. I could use your prayers too. Dealing with past hurt is never easy, and I have to confront it every time there is a break. . . I'm not the best at healing from painful memories or experiences. Any tips or advice would be great!
As I've said before, I love to post encouraging things on my Instagram and Facebook pages. While I wait for my presentation here shortly, I was browsing my phone and my "Verse of the Day" popped up on my screen. It. Was. Perfect!
"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-- the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace."
-Acts 20:24
Finals may not go well, and my break may not go as planned either, but these things don't truly matter in the end scheme of things. Yes, we do need to do our best anyways, but always remember why you do what you do.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." -Colossians 3:23
I have a difficult time remembering this. I've even found myself guilty of using it as an excuse. . . "Its ok if I don't do well on this. . . It doesn't matter. . ." Here's a tip: don't do this. It's a bad habit to get into. Even when life gets you down, and even when you don't feel like there is a point, remember that you can honor God in everything that you do. If you don't complain about the stress final exams bring, people will notice you're not complaining! If you are relaxed going into and coming out of tests, people will notice! If you are thankful for the opportunity to spend time alone studying, or spend time studying with friends, people will notice!
Don't automatically assume you can only be a light in certain situations. You can really truly be a light anywhere, and in more ways than you may think. . . I would never have thought I could witness to people through taking a Psychology final, but now I do!
I hope you have a good finals week if you're a student. I also hope you've had a chance to reflect on the true reason for this season (Jesus Christ) and dwell on the joy He brings through life. Take some extra time today, even if it's only 5 minutes, to sit quietly and think about all you have to be thankful for, and reflect on some of the things that bring you true joy. I encourage you to seek out some of your favorite things to do this week and take the time to experience the joy this brings you.
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" -Philippians 4:4
In Christ,
Join me on my journey of faith as I learn what it means to follow Jesus and live the life he has called me to.
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Faith over Fear
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