Hey all! Welcome back to my blog!
This morning I'm sitting at my kitchen counter working on school and my phone dings, so naturally I check to see what human wants to communicate with me. It was one of the girls from my speech class, and the fact she messaged me made me uber happy, because I think she's great. She informed me that our 2 hour speech class was cancelled due to the snow, and she was rather happy about it. I can't say I wasn't somewhat hoping they'd cancel class today. It's snowing outside, and I commute 28 minutes to school. . . As for my Bible class tonight? Who knows about that one, but for now I'm just enjoying my afternoon at home with my puppy and my homework.
I'm not sure what it is about homework, but when I know what I'm doing I actually enjoy being able to sit down and accomplish my list of things to do. It's relaxing to me. I'm not the type of person who likes to wait until the last minute. I'd rather work ahead and be able to take my time and have short breaks every 45 minutes or so to rest my eyes and brain, especially with papers.
The other day I was at work and I had this absolutely amazing thought come to mind. Of course I forgot it by the time I got off work. Don't you hate that? Then I had another one come to mind later that evening when I got home, but I was in the shower and couldn't write it down. Gahh! How frustrating.
But of course I had yet another thought come to mind while I was stressing to remember my 2 great thoughts that I had the day before. . .
Why is it that we always think we'll have more time to accomplish tasks later? Or we'll remember the amazing God-sightings we see around us without telling anyone?
While I was at work I tried hard to repeat my thought in my head so I'd remember it. I thought about running to the back to write it on my phone, but figured that I'd remember it no matter what because it was such a great thought. . . I could've even written it down quick on a piece of scratch paper and stuck it in my pocket! When I got home and went to go blog about my thought, I remembered how amazing the thought was and what a superb post I would've written with it, but I didn't remember the content itself.
When I had my second thought I was about to reach for my phone and write it down, but then I got distracted as I went to retrieve it. I was so excited to have another post to blog about, but yet I let something get in my way of accomplishing the task at hand; writing it down so I would remember it.
Then we have this new thought of mine I'm actually able to blog about: As soon as I had the thought I sat down and began to type right away, because the blog post was important to me. I didn't want to keep letting these great thoughts pass me by. I want to be able to look back and remember them in a few weeks or even months.
Our spiritual lives should be the same way. When God does something amazing in our lives we should be anxious to tell others about His goodness and love! When He answers prayer in an astonishing way we shouldn't keep that to ourselves! Satan wants to distracts us and keep us from sharing God's goodness with others. Don't let him.
We might think something so amazing is impossible to forget, but as soon as another rollercoaster of emotions, chaos, and hectic schedules arise, we'll forget where we once were on our spiritual walk.
One thing I am so thankful for is the past Facebook and Instagram posts I have written, the journal I kept while I went through my break-up and dealt with the worst of my depression, and the scriptures I underlined throughout the process. Without all these things I wouldn't be able to stand in amazement at God's greatness, because I wouldn't be able to recall it as well . . Granted I'm not saying I want to remember all the pain and tears I shed, but I do love to see where God has brought me since then. . .
Reading my journal can cause tears to arise, almost every time, but then I look at the last time I journaled in it. . . It's been at least 6 months since I last wrote of the pain. What does that tell you? It's a reminder of how long God has continued to bless me on this journey. I know He's never stopped blessing me in life, but I'm referring to a different kind of blessing. A blessing of joy that I have never experienced before. A blessing of growth that I've been feeling. A blessing of the testimony I used to complain I never had.
Next time something amazing happens to you, make sure you write it down, post about it, or tell a friend, because you never know who might need to hear of God's faithfulness at that moment. And you never know when you'll come across it again. You might just find it a year from then and be able to see how far God has brought you. Give it a try and see what happens.
"He remembered us in our low estate; His love endures forever."
-Psalm 136:23
Join me on my journey of faith as I learn what it means to follow Jesus and live the life he has called me to.
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Faith over Fear
Hey all! Welcome back to my blog. It's been a few months, but I've had multiple people encourage me to write a blog post about wha...

Hey all! I just spent the past week at a Bible and Missionary conference in Okoboji, Iowa with my family before I came back to Missou...
Hey all! Welcome back to my blog! This morning I'm sitting at my kitchen counter working on school and my phone dings, so natural...
Hey all! Welcome back! Well, I'm 19 years old now! It feels so strange. I'm almost out of my teen years and I still feel like...
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