Hey all!
I'm so glad to be back writing to you tonight! I am so excited to begin a new chapter of my life this week. Today I took my last final of junior year at Ozark and I am preparing for the 6 hour travel back home this weekend for the summer. It has been quite the year and I'm not gonna lie, one of the hardest years I've endured, but God is good and I have continued to grow despite the hardships.
Last semester began with many crazy twists on how I had imagined and expected my junior year to go. I had to learn what it truly means to be content in my relationship with God and to lean into what trusting Him really looks like. I definitely don't have this completely down, but I'm trying more and more each day. He has been beside me every step of the way, from sudden injuries and sicknesses, difficult job situations, and emotional and spiritual frustrations.
Throughout last semester I learned a great deal about trust in God and in people. I have learned what it looks like to have a solid group of friends around me to encourage me in my faith but who will also call me out and redirect me to where I need to go. More importantly, they walk alongside of me while I figure out what to do and how to grow in those areas.
Last semester may have been one of the most difficult, but it made way for a great semester this spring! I was amazed at the many fabulous friendships that God brought to my life. My hilarious new friends Seth, Tyler and Devin have really stepped up to the plate and accepted me with my flaws, but they have also shown me how I deserve to be treated as a young woman and what healthy friendships with guys look like and how much of a blessing they are. They have brought me into their lives and given me friendships that I will cherish forever. Each one is different but each of them has a special place in my heart. They make being away from both my brothers at home a little easier and make Ozark feel even more like home.
This semester I made a new friend, Elle, and she has brought so much joy to my life in many ways. This girl is strong, and I am inspired by her in countless areas. The way she has pushed through a hard semester by being in a room her own floor away from us and still taken care of all the girls here on 2nd floor makes my heart happy. She loves unconditionally and knowns how to bring a room into worship. We have decided we are so much alike its almost too much to handle. These fantastic humans among my others friends at Ozark are the best and I love them.
I can't believe all the amazing ways God has provided for me this semester. He has given me a fun job working as a teacher's assistant for the Psychology program, babysitting opportunities, and a chance to clean a house for an older man who struggles to take care of himself. I never would have seen myself in this place a year ago, but that's the beauty of God's plan for us- it's better than we imagined.
But let me be real with ya'll for a second. I'm scared to go home for the summer. I love my family and my hometown and I'm excited to experience everything that will happen over the next 3 months, but with that excitement comes fears of the unknowns and having to adjust to an entirely new environment again. Last summer was a totally different situation and this summer I am heading into break head first with complete uncertainty of what will happen.
I am ready to be back with my worship team at church and lead on Sunday mornings with them again, but I am also sad to leave my church here in Missouri. I have grown to love it more and more each week. Thank goodness they have started to livestream their services so that I can continue to be a part of the worship at Christ's Church of Oronogo from 400 miles away. Having 2 churches hold my heart makes for difficult moments when I cannot be at both.
Being away from friends you have known most of your life is hard, even when you have multiple friends at college to help you survive life. Even so, it is good to be home and to catch up with old friends, family members, and people I enjoy spending time with. Each semester my friends have changed, adapted, and multiplied. Leaving them again after growing in our love for the Lord and each other breaks my heart. The past 2 weeks I have treated the words "moving home, graduation, and summer" as if they were a cuss word. I got upset whenever someone mentioned them and covered my ears. I am nervous to leave everything I know here. I'm so scared.
I have a great full time job lined up at home! I'll be painting buildings, homes, and doing other outside work, and spending those hours with people I love being around. I'm so excited for this new work experience. But it will be hard work and I will be sore and exhausted many days. With that being said I am ready to see how my work ethic continues to increase over these months. God provided this job for me- that I am 100% sure of. I am so thankful for the chance to put myself through my last 3 semesters of college.
I will be able to return to the Bible conference in August once again and I will never get tired of that. In addition to that, I also have the chance to travel across the country for my cousin's wedding with my family. We are making it a week long trip and I'm definitely ready for everything that will happen on this small vacation.
As I sit here and type my thoughts out for a blog post, I am reflecting on how scared I was last semester for what was ahead in the school year. While I felt I had reasons to be upset and scared, I didn't. God was in control and was opening doors for things that would change my life, capture my heart, and grow me as a person. When God closes one door it is to walk us through another door that is even better. That is where this concept of trust comes from: even when we want to hold onto the past, we must give it to God to be able to receive what He wants to give us in the future.
Each of these areas that I am nervous and afraid for this summer are already covered in prayer by my friends and taken care of by God. The areas that Satan wants to surround me in fear with are the areas that God wants to strengthen me and show me that this summer belongs to Him.
With that being said, I am very anxious and ready to return to school in the fall and I haven't even moved out of my dorm yet!
When I return in the fall I will be moving in early as an RA for my dorm. This is an opportunity that I am so blessed and thankful to serve in. I have been praying about this the entire year and when I got the news that the position had been given to me I was overjoyed and thrilled. It will be a challenge at some points, but I feel God holding my hand as I go through training and prepare to be in this new role on my beloved Dennis 2nd.
I will also be a vocalist on our one of Ozark's Frontline worship teams. I have spent the last year sitting in the seats of the chapel watching the teams lead us, and this year I was ready to walk back up onto the stage and lead worship with other students again. Leading worship is one thing my heart and soul have been craving and I am very excited to be able to do this all of next year! Anyone who leads worship knows there can be an overwhelming feeling where you feel the Spirit take over if you allow him. Being able to observe the congregation worship is something that gives me chills and reminds me of how good God truly is. I joke about needing 2 seats to worship freely in chapel, and now I have an entire stage to dance and worship on. Having other friends on the other 2 teams brings me a joy I cannot explain.
The classes I am taking next semester will be hard, but I am up for the challenge. I'm blessed with having Tuesday and Thursday free from classes, but the other 3 days of the week I will be in a preaching class, a world religions class, and a philosophy class. I also have 2 online classes covering the book of Psalms and a science class. While I won't be a lifegroup leader next year, it will be a new experience to have a mentor group next year to be a part of.
Why do I tell you all of these things tonight? I want to remind you that, whatever you are facing this summer, God is already in control and nothing will surprise Him. He knows exactly what you need to be prepared and He has placed you in a position He knows you are ready for.
Whether you are terrified or thrilled for summer break and all that is to come with that, I pray that you remember where to keep your focus and who deserves all the praise and attention this summer. We will begin to lose sight of what really matters and fall into old habits when we are not placing God at the center.
The thing I am most excited for this summer is to visit with my friends across the country about our faith. We will be keeping each other accountable as we grow in our relationships with the Lord through Bible studies over video chat.
Where there are difficulties there is a chance for incredible growth. I hope you are walking into summer with this same perspective. . .
~Sarah Joy
Join me on my journey of faith as I learn what it means to follow Jesus and live the life he has called me to.
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Faith over Fear
Hey all! Welcome back to my blog. It's been a few months, but I've had multiple people encourage me to write a blog post about wha...

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